Lizard fish

Head lizard like, Body elongate usually cyclindrical and with adipose fin. Mouth large and terminal, with rows of numerous small, slender and pointed teeth visible even when mouth is closed. Colour green/brown on back, lighter on flanks,with dark blotches or bars down flanks or on fins in certain species. Several rows of teeth visible in both jaws even when mouth is closed Back and sides brown, belly pale or silvery, 8-10 faint bars occasionally visible along lateral line. Distal parts of dorsal pectoral and particularly caudal fins dusky; otherwise no marking on fins They grow upto 40cms. They are generally small fish, they have slender cylindrical bodies head resemble lizards. Visible sharp teeth in the head. They live in shallow coastal waters sandy or muddy area.They are found in tropical and subtropical marine waters throughout the world.

Taxonomic description
Has a long cylindrical body, with a lizard-like head and mouth.
Body is uniformly brown on the back, and shades to tan or white on the belly.
Commonly 30 cm (11.8 inches) in length, and can weigh up to 1.8 kg (4 lbs).

Found from as far south as Guaymas, Mexico to as far north as Cape Beal, British Columbia, Canada. Not common north of Point Conception, California.

Life history
Lays eggs, and has an extended larval period.
Spawning season begins in the summer and peaks in the fall, and larvae are most abundant in the fall and winter, with a peak during September-November.

Hides in sandy bottoms in shallow water ranging from 9.1 m to 55 m (30 to 180 feet).
Ambushes small fishes and squids by sitting on the bottom in wait for passing prey, then rapidly darting upwards to swallow unsuspecting prey in one gulp.

Seasonal availability
There is currently no stated seasonal restriction for California lizardfish.

Status of the fishery
There is no commercial fishery for the California lizardfish, but it is fished recreationally.
Currently there is little concern about overfishing or decreasing population, as there is no fishery for this fish.

Edible portions
Fins and head are typicaly removed before eating.

Description of meat
The meat is white and slightly flakey, and can be bony.

Culinary uses
This fish is usually eaten fried, but can also be baked or grilled.


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